Abstracts for ISES 2025

Fill the form for submitting your abstract. The submit ends in Sep 15th, 2024.

ISES 2025 – Abstracts

Personal information

Presenter’s name. If there are several presenters with the same abstract, choose the main presenter and tell his/her name and contact information.
Presenter’s organization.
Presenter’s personal e-mail address, where he/she can be easily reached.
Presenter’s phone number, where he/she can be easily reached.
Other authors
Add the names of the other authers that you wish to be named in the printed publication of the abstracts.
First name
Last name
YES or NO? Will she/he perform also in ISES 2025? (Note: Travel expenses are compensated only for the main presenter.)

The abstract and presentation

Tell the headline of your abstract.
Choose the theme (1) that your abstract belongs to.
Presentation form(Required)
Do you prefer to present your subject on stage (20min.) or in the poster exhibition? Choose the one you prefer. If you are willing to present in any of the options please tick the both boxes.
Remember to check the instructions: “Abstract submissions are required to be less than 500 words in length, including a short author biography.”
Max. file size: 16 MB.
Presentation on ISES before(Required)
Have you or someone else presented this project/research/good practice on ISES before?
If “yes”, when? (year)